Wow, how did I miss seeing this?
5/5 Stars
Wow, how did I miss seeing this?
5/5 Stars
We need more stuff like this on Newgrounds.
5/5 Stars
Well.. at least it's a better and funnier concept than SANIC, that's for sure. lol
3.5/5 Stars
Haha I remember watching this when it first came out way back in 2009. My old username was "sunshinedafox". It's amazing that you're still responding to reviews on it to this day!
4/5 Stars
Haha, I think I finally broke the streak of responding to every review some time in the last year or two. Had to move on and focus on support for my Steam game. But I'll leave a response just for you: thanks for the kind words! :)
Ew, 4chan. But good animation, anyways.
4/5 Stars
Ah, another oldie about SpongeBob that I remember watching on Newgrounds, oh so long ago. For its time, this was animated pretty well.
Also, @lemonchello why are you giving it such a low score then?
4/5 Stars
Why did you animate SpongeBob humping a random guy? This is bad even for something made in 2002.
1/5 Stars
Well, here it is. The first submission about SpongeBob (Or at least to reference it) on Newgrounds.
3.5/5 Stars
Wow, so many people giving this crap high scores and shitting on Flare's review. Trolling isn't cool, so stop promoting it!
0/5 Stars
you have a mental illness
THIS was a Daily Feature? How slow was that day?
0.5/5 Stars
My name is Zion Thibodeau. Although, I'm known mostly online as Solar-Fox-Productions. (Or simply just "SF-Productions" for short.) I have been making quality flash animations on the internet since 2008.
Solar Fox Productions Inc.
Age 33, Male
Full-time animator
Somewhere in the USA
Joined on 8/7/15